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Temple of Soil
We believe in GAIA, the living Earth, from whose bounty all life springs.
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Temple of Soil
The Temple of Soil is an assembly of monolatristic believers in the interconnected spirit of all Gods, and whom choose the consistent worship of the Living God of this planet, Gaia.
Divine Jurisdiction
Under the exclusive headship and sovereignty of the Living God, the Foundation and its Overseers, Members, Ministers, Pastors, Elders, Deacons, etc. et al. (hereinafter collectively “Stewards”) shall submit to be governed under no man-made laws, rules, ordinances, or any other regulation that is in conflict with Natural Law as revealed by GAIA.
Form of Worship
We respect all spiritual belief systems, and value the inspiration of various teachings by spiritual leaders and mediators throughout time, such as Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hermeticism, Atenism, Ecospirituality, Druidism, Paganism, Pantheism, primordial wisdom traditions, and Theosophy as interpreted by humankind across the ages ab initio. As Divine Souls incarnate as living beings, we believe in the unalienable Divine Right to worship according to one’s free-will.
We understand Monolatry as the belief in the existence of many gods and religions, and with the consistent worship of one. As eternal beings of spirit practicing Monolatry while engaged in a human experience on this planet, our primary focus of worship is Gaia.
The Creed
We believe in Gaia, the living Earth, from whose bounty all life springs. We choose to believe the spirit of Gaia is a sentient being that embodies the collective subconscious of all life on Earth and who’s Will becomes the laws we live by. We seek to align ourselves with the laws of nature and believe spiritual success stems from our ability to harmonize with the spirit of Gaia and her laws of abundance. We believe in the unity and interdependence of all existence and the non-duality from which all things arise. We pledge to live in harmony with Earth’s natural cycles, to cherish, protect and restore Her habitats, and strive to become better stewards of our Mother Earth, Gaia.
We recognize and honor the accumulated values and virtues of all traditions, and their earnest striving to know God. We leave it to the individuals on this journey to determine what will be most appropriate and potent for them in the very moment they are in. Our Members are encouraged to share resources and practices which raise the collective vibrational frequency in their lives and all life on earth. We engage in practices of prayer, meditation, contemplation, ritual, journaling, yoga, breath work, singing, dancing, rewilding, gardening and various stewardship activities. Regardless of personal belief, our members are encouraged to recognize the nonduality of spirit, and commune with Gaia through acts of Stewardship:
- We commune with God by placing our bare feet on the earth (sitting, walking, jogging, praying) with intention and union with the living spirit of God and all her creations.
- We commune with God by placing our bare hands in the soil (gardening, planting, tending) and feeling our heart connected to all life.
- We commune with God by regenerating soil through the practice of composting & regenerative agriculture.
- We commune with God by committing our minds to the innovation & engineering of new technologies, methodologies, & structures that enable humanity to live in greater harmony with GAIA and nature.
These practices enable us to connect with God and transcend our separate sense of self and help us engage the world and all those we encounter from a more cohesive, coherent, interdependent and more loving state of being.
We, the Declarants, declare, affirm, and recognize the following distinct doctrines:
- We are a place for the open and free religious and spiritual practice of our members. We are free to the extent that our actions do not cause harm or undue limitations to other people or any living beings, including the earth itself.
- We recognize the relationship between people and land are intertwined. Care for people cannot be separated from care for the land.
- We recognize that as a species, human beings, human culture, and human civilization are intimately tied to the health of the soil, the principal substrate that has allowed us to grow food, medicine and raise animals and other livestock in order to live, work, and thrive.
- We honor Nondual Sovereignty, and believe in the following code of conduct:
- We honor the sovereignty of the individual and the sovereignty of the Earth and, as sovereign beings, practice taking full responsibility for the wellbeing of both.
Further, we recognize as our community grows, the Foundation may establish more specific written guidelines and methods for maintaining order which shall be amended hitherto. These principles shall adhere to the following belief:
- We believe in the natural law of abundance and seek to act in harmony with this law.
- We understand the Natural Law of Abundance as;
In a closed system (Earth) governed by the fundamental laws of nature wherein the conservation of matter and energy are observed; Life tends to consume life and matter in order to beget Life in far greater magnitude than the sum of its parts. - As Stewards of Earth we observe this law and seek to act in accordance with it’s divine spirit:
- We shall not commence any endeavor wherein the margin of success does not permit the restoration of resources consumed.
- We shall not sully or consume any natural resource without intention to replenish that resource by a factor not less than 2.